Hello! 👋 I used to work as a Data Scientist @ Bidgely from 2021 to 2024. I graduated in Mathematics & Computing from IIT Kharagpur in 2021.

I took a break from my job to focus on a research oriented career path. I am actively looking for jobs in ML and Data Science. Please do reach out if you have any opportunities in research roles.

Feel free to reach out to me @ dibyadas998 at gmail dot com


Blog ↓

t-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding(t-SNE)

October 3, 2024

I first heard about t-SNE a few years back as tool to help visualize high-dimensional data in 2D or 3D. And I had come across these amazing visualizations which displayed MNIST dataset in a 2D map which immediately drew my attention. Another one I came across which showed the different clusters of Fashion MNIST data in 3D. I didn’t think of it much until very recently when I thought of reading the details of what t-SNE is and how it works. ... Read more

Understanding Gaussian Processes

September 14, 2024

It took me forever to understand what Gaussian Processes(GPs) were all about. I have been trying to understand it for quite some time but always gave up after the initial hurdle. And I think it happened because I got confused by the way a Gaussian Process is portrayed that I came across in many blog posts. The introductory text on GPs usually talk about how it can be used to model arbitrary smooth functions non-parametrically. ... Read more

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