Hello! 👋 I'm a Data Scientist @ Bidgely, I graduated in Mathematics & Computing from IIT Kharagpur in 2021.

My interests include Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Software and Web developement in Python and JS, Asynchronous Programming, etc.

Feel free to reach out to me @ dibyadas998 at gmail dot com


Blog ↓

Visualizing Different Normalization Techniques

May 29, 2018

While implementing Semantic Segmentation using Adversarial Networks, I came across a normalization technique called Local Contrast Normalization. Before feeding the image into the segmentor network, the image undergoes this normalization. Then I came across other ways to normalize image data. Like Simplified Whitening, Local Response Normalization. Here is a great article on the same where I drew my inspiration from. But I wanted to see for myself, how the image turns out after being normalized. ... Read more

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